Sleep, Stress Reduction May Help Weight Loss

You missed the entire point of the second study. March 29, 2011 at 12:36 | Report abuse | PennyNot @BoSox Fan A better study would be what it takes to reduce stress and get better sleep. If you are not stressed and can sleep, you don’t need the help nearly as much as those with the stress and the inability to get good sleep. Just saying, sleep and reduce stress is like saying avoid tsunami’s after earthquakes when you live on the shoreline.
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Behavioural Garcinia Cambogia Extract correlates of successful weight reduction over 3 y. Results from the Lean Habits Study

Restriction of quantity of food: These items assess whether the amount of food eaten is restricted. Physical activity: The extent of exercise as well as physical activity in everyday life is assessed. Coping with stress: These items include subjective feeling of stress, conscious relaxation and management of emotionally induced eating. Baseline assessment took place at the start of the programme, follow-up measurements (FU) after approximately 10 weeks, after 1, 2 and 3y.
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Unusual Skin Care Products Growing More Popular

Quick Fall Skin Care

And these treatments or products all involve creepy crawlies, and that may be enough to scare some folks off. but for others it could mean a version of the fountain of youth. “I use the snail’s extract because it’s super moisturizing,” said Diana Seo. Yes, you read correctly. Diana uses snail extract to moisturize the skin. It actually comes from snail slime, and it’s turned into a powder, which she mixes along with collagen and Vitamin C: for facials.
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Moisturize every day. If you don’t have oily skin, switch to a cream-based moisturizer. For daytime, even in the winter it is important to use sunscreen every day, so using a moisturizer with a broad-spectrum sunscreen is great for colder weather. At night, use a moisturizing cream loaded with peptides and hyaluronate to replenish the skin’s moisture and restore collagen.
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Four simple steps to healthier fall and winter skin care (Video)

Olive oil

Dont wash your face too frequently. Your face naturally produces oil so your skin can remain hydrated. Washing your face twice a day is just enough to remove any dirt or oil. If you feel like that isnt enough, use pre-moistened facial wipes throughout the day. 2. Start using water-based cleansers that are specifically made for oily skin. Make sure you dont use a cleanser that doesnt contain oil or alcohol that will cause your skin to be dry.
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Pregnancy Skin Care: Get That Glow!

Experts give tips to help treat pregnancy skin problems — from acne to ‘pregnancy mask.’ WebMD Feature Archive Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD It isn’t just an old wives’ tale — it’s really true. Derm Exclusive A woman can look most ravishing during pregnancy . Well … make that some women. Indeed, while pregnancy can leave some lucky ladies looking luscious, for others, all that extra hormonal activity can have the opposite effect, causing a variety of pregnancy skin problems. “Hands down, acne is the No. 1 skin problem to hit women during pregnancy — but there are also a variety of bumps and rashes and discolorations that occur as well, most of them due to hormone activity,” says Ellen Marmur, MD, chief of dermatologic and cosmetic surgery at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City.
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